Cuban Macaw

Ana Davis
6 min readNov 20, 2020


Among the attributes of the Red Macaw, also called the Flag Macaw, are its nicely tinted plumage and elegant flight. It can live up to 100 years as a pet. Here we will explain all about the Cuban macaw.

Cuban Macaw

Flag macaw Features

This macaw is the third largest of the parrot flock (between 31 and 35 inches).

It can be identified by its vibrant plumage, which is predominantly bright red, complemented by a few blue and yellow feathers with green on the tail and wings.

The tail is about 17 inches, a little more than 1/2 its complete size, and its wings are about 40 cm. Its body is light but robust, ideal for flying with grace and agility.

Its black beak is shaped like a hook and quite strong, enough to be able to dig, help itself to scale, cut objects, and defend itself; but also it is pretty light.

Red macaws

The eyes, found on the sides of the head, have a light brown iris in the youngest birds but change yellow when they become adults. Around the eyes, there is a seemingly naked area of pinkish white skin, but it is covered with fine plumage.

The legs are sturdy but a bit small and the feet show 4 dark gray fingers (zygodactyls), two pointing forward and the other 2 backward.

This lets it to hold on tightly to branches and trees like the blue macaw.

It is a very friendly exotic animal with daytime habits. It is not uncommon to observe them in crowds of dozens of specimens.

They congregate to protect themselves, search for food, sleep, and groom themselves.

The macaw communicates through vocalization, loud, high-pitched shrieks. Sexually mature adult males are usually the dominant ones within the flock.

There are 2 different subspecies of this exotic bird:

South American scarlet macaw (Ara Macao Macao)

South American scarlet macaw

Its distribution area goes from Bolivia and Brazil to Costa Rica. It is slightly smaller than the other subspecies.

It has a green band in the middle of its wings, between the blue and yellow parts.

Central American Red Macaw (Ara Macao cyanoptera).

Central American Red Macaw

Its distribution area goes between Honduras and Mexico.

It does not have the green zone of feathers in half of its wings that the other subspecies have.

At first glance, the male is no different from the female, as is the case with the Military Macaw. A closer inspection shows that the female has a wider, shorter, and more curved beak.

Young macaws have a dark iris and gray lower jaw. The small and medium-sized coverts are green; in the scapular area, the feathers are also green and yellow in the center.

How large is the Red Macaw?

The macaw is among the largest exotic birds of the parrot group. It can rise to a size of 85–90 cm (33–35 inches) in height and 105-one hundred and twenty cm (forty-one-47 inches) in wingspan.

How much does the Macaw weigh?

In terms of body weight, the Ara Macao weighs between 900 and 1300 grams(1.9 and 2.8 pounds). Although there have been cases of specimens that have come to weigh more than 1.5 kilograms (3.3 pounds).

How long do macaws live

Macaws are birds that can have a very long life expectancy, some of which can survive their owners.

In fact, the average longevity of the macaw is 80 years. But there are records of birds that have survived for over one hundred years.

What does the Cuban macaw eat?

Red macaw food

Concerning what the Macaw eats, in nature, in its wild habitat it feeds on nuts, nectar, seeds, insects, and plant sprouts.

In captivity, these flying animals feed on different nuts and hazelnuts, sunflower, corn (especially green), wheat, oats, apple and other fruits, carrots, toast, etc. Put within reach tender branches to nibble on.

How to Feed a Macaw

There are different types of birds that we can say that they eat all kinds of things and, although you should give them food, there are also other foods that you can supply them with so that they have a complete diet that is very good for their health.

To start with, we will debate what is called dry food.

These have to be 10% of their body weight per day, it has to be a small mixed assortment of specific seeds for macaws, a high-energy feed, and some nuts like hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, and some sprouted legumes.

Also, they must consume what is called wet food, which has to be ten to twelve % of the macaw’s weight, such as a fruit salad.

This fruit salad must include 5 different fruit that includes a high caloric contribution, for example, grapes, coconut, or banana.

You can also give them certain vegetables such as chard, spinach, or lettuce, but they must be very crushed.

How the Flag macaw reproduces

Cuban macaws are a monogamous breed, or what is the same, once they find their match, they do not break up with him in their entire life. The breeding season begins in November and takes until May.

The female lays 2 or three white eggs and hatches them for twenty-five to twenty-seven days.

The male stands guard to defend the nest.

Sometimes he moves into the nest to visit the female, but he never incubates.

The chicks leave the nest 12 days after their birth. It is common for one or two chicks to hatch, it is strange that there are three.

Frequently, the offspring stop using their natural, nasty, and shrill voice, which emits a kind of “rraa…aar” when leaving the nest. They reach sexual maturity at three or 4 years of age.

Breeding of Macaws in Captivity

cuban macaw pet

This colorful macaw is generally housed in a spacious room, a gallery, and, during the summer, on a pole in the garden. Exotic birds are quickly domesticated if treated well.

They become very compliant and quickly learn to repeat some isolated words or, from time to time, some short phrases.

If you are sure to have a couple, once the spring arrives, place them in the garden, in a solid metal birdhouse with strong bars. To reproduce, the scarlet macaw must have a large nest. A large wooden barrel can be used.

During the nestling feeding period, cooked rice, various herbs, hard-boiled eggs, bananas, tangerines, bread, and mineral substances containing lime should be added to the parents’ regular menu. In winter, offer them exotic fruits and compotes. The bird should spend the winter in a place guarded against frost.

