Bearded Dragons

Ana Davis
5 min readSep 1, 2021

In this article I am going to talk about the bearded dragon or bearded dragon, focusing on the nominal phase of the Pogona Vitticeps, which is the most frequent. If what you want is to know something about a phase or subclass diverse from this one, you can see information by clicking on the type of bearded dragon in the next section.

Pet Bearded Dragons

The bearded dragon is a breed of semi-arboreal reptile that belongs to the Agamid family.

Bearded Dragon Habitat:

Its original environment is the desert and semi — desert regions of Australia.

Physical appearance:

Bearded Dragons are medium-sized saurians (males are commonly about 60 centimeters tall and weigh up to 500 grams). They can development their hue a bit to regulate their temperature and also to express their mood. Although the most feature carry of the bearded dragon is the “beard” it has, made up of spiny scales that swell when threatened while turn black.

How many years does it live?

They can live more than fifteen years, although the usual thing is that their longevity is between 8 and 12 years.

Types and phases of the bearded dragon

There are 8 diverse breed within the genus bearded dragon (the genus of the bearded dragon).

  • Central bearded dragon
  • Eastern bearded dragon
  • Rankin’s bearded dragon
  • Kimberley bearded dragon
  • North-west bearded dragon
  • Dwarf bearded dragon
  • Nullarbor bearded dragon
  • Western bearded dragon

Bearded Dragon Feeding

Bearded Dragon eating

Bearded dragons are omnivorous saurian. They need to eat fruit, vegetables, and insects, in fact, if they did not consume any of these regions they could turn ill.

Depending on your age, the proportion of fruit, vegetables, and insects you need to eat will vary.

With less than one year of age: The bearded dragon must carry a diet that is distributed as follows: 70% insects and 30% fruits and vegetables.

With more than one year-: We must progressively develop the proportion until we reach a diet settled on 70% fruits and vegetables and 30% insects.

Significantly, we supplement your diet with multivitamins and calcium + D3. Personally, what has been the best for me has been the Calcium + D3 supplement and giving him this already vitaminized bearded dragon’s food from time to time. For your bearded dragon to eat the calcium, we must sprinkle it on the insects. If we chose to offer him a multivitamin, we would do it together with calcium in a 1: 1 mixture.

Among the suitable foods for bearded dragons would be the following:

Bearded Dragon Health

Like all pets, bearded dragons can also carry health problems. The most habitual problems are the appearance of some type of parasite, including mites or ticks. They can also get diseases for example salmonella or mouth rot.

In order not to extend this article too long, I carry prepared another post in which I fully explain what types of diseases can affect our bearded dragons and how to detect them.

Reproduction of the bearded dragon

Reproduction of the bearded dragon

Depending on the age of the bearded dragon, it will be more or less easy to know its sex.

The older our bearded dragon is, the easier it will be to know if it is male or female.

Depending on how old she is, we will use one way or another to sex her:

When the bearded dragon is approximately a month and a half, it is the 1st moment in which it is possible to know its sex reliably. To see out its gender, we will do the flashlight trick, which consists of putting a lit flashlight on the biggest of the body.

When shining the flashlight through the cloaca area, the soft will go through the torso of the bearded dragon and mark two lumps (hemipenis) if it is a male, or 1 if it is a female.

At 6 months, it is even easier to detect these lumps. It will no longer be necessary to use a flashlight, simply by lifting the tail we can catch sight of how these lumps stand out enough to distinguish them.

Bearded Dragon Character

Saving the threatening aspect that it has, the bearded dragon lizard is one of the most suitable reptiles to start in the world of reptiles in captivity.

The character of the bearded dragon is docile, and she adapts surprisingly rapidly to people’s presence, even becoming trusting with us.

They are quite sociable, although not very affectionate, for example almost all reptiles.

They for example to carry contact with persons, without abusing it, since we can get to the opposite point and generate stress. They certainly for example to get on their shoulders and appreciate from there.

They are quite curious and territorial, so it will be necessary to provide them with enough space to investigate while they move (so that they do not fall into obesity, so habitual in adults).

On the other hand, bearded dragons are super gluttonous saurians. They will try to gobble up anything that goes into their mouth, be it crickets, lizards, pinkies, or some type of vegetable.

If we get used to them, in the complete they will literally complete up eating from our hand.

Caring for a bearded dragon

Although the bearded dragon is a fairly tough and resistant pet, and that it does not require excessive care, they do carry some basic needs that we will catch sight of in the “Terrarium” section.

How to transport a bearded dragon

It is advisable not to move our bearded dragon, since moving it can generate some stress. Although there are times when we will need to remove the bearded dragon from its terrarium and take it somewhere, whether we are going to move or carry it to take it to the vet or elsewhere.

In these cases, we will look for a carrier that is of a size according to that of our bearded dragon. We would carry to take into account that it had sufficient ventilation, as well as a source of heat, in case the temperature is not what our reptile is used to.

For this, there are heat bags, which generate heat for about 24 hours. This is the best option, but if we cannot use something similar, including the hard plastic plates that are used to cool the beach coolers, but introducing hot water.

Finally, we can put something on it so that the bearded dragon can hide.

