Australian Parakeet

Ana Davis
8 min readNov 29, 2020

Today we introduce you to a new Companion Birds. They are intelligent, outrageous (a small too much, it’s true), very funny, very sociable and tender, besides showing off lovely colors. We are talking, of course, about Australian parakeets.

Although, as its name indicates, it comes from Australia, the Australian parakeet can currently be spread in a good number of countries around the world, as it is among the most widespread animal creatures as a companion animal. It was introduced to Europe in 1840 by the English ornithologist John Gould; from that moment on, the interest in reproduction an animal of outstanding beauty and fine size began to spread: it measures between eighteen and 20 centimeters on average and weighs around 30 grams.

The Australian parakeet belongs to the parrot family (Psittacidae), which, according to Juan Carlos Uria, parakeet breeder and founder of Valmayor Bird Sanctuary, explains the shape of its peculiar curved beak. The breeder adds as the most awesome features “its agile flight and a a nose that is commonly blue in males and light blue and brown in females”

What made this creature among the most popular Companion animals in the world? Well, principally the sociable, frisky, and funny character they have. In these animals, socialization is a necessity. In addition to this, which is no fine thing, they feature a remarkable intelligence. Want parrots that can learn tricks and a few words with kin ease and a bit of patience. These attributes, combined, make them thick candidates for the title of excellent Companion animals. And if they are not, they are very approximately achieving it.

The character of Australian Parakeets

The character of Australian Parakeets

These parakeets do not get along well with solitude, in the original, they usually live in flocks. So it is required that during they are at home they do not enjoy much time isolated, as they can get depressed quickly and this can lead them to death.

Australian parakeets are usually very playful, pretty curious so it’s outstanding if you put a few toys in their cage for instance swings and branches so they can walk. It is also good if you place a mirror, this will help him feel accompanied.

These tweets much and usually want to always communicate, as throughout the day are very active it is best that during the night cover the cage with a few fabric so they can rest and recharge energy.

You can tell the sex of these animals by seeing the hue of the wax in their beaks. If it is violet or blue they are males, during if it is pink or earth it is because they are females.

Uria warns that the Australian parakeet we currently feature all over the world is not that it has to adapt to life in captivity, it is that it could not live in the wild, since “breeding in captivity for so many years has greatly limited its resistance in flight (especially in its variant referred as the English parakeet)”. Also, the breeder says, “it would not be discovered in its housing, it would lack food and it would encounter predators much more agile than it”.

Feeding an Australian parakeet

Feeding an Australian parakeet

A good diet must be varied. It basically consists of a mixture of seeds and fresh vegetables. If you get parakeet feed it’s excellent than seeds, because they can’t just choose the ones they like. Anyway, you feature to unite fresh material every day, for instance, carrots, broccoli, corn on the cob, spinach, peas, and other vegetables and fruits. Seeds with sprouts are an optimal source of nutrients. Parakeets are often reluctant to try new foods, so it’s best to supply a variety from an offspring age and be patient if you want to make changes to your diet; think that the effort to supply you a good diet is well worth it.

Australian parakeet lodging and cage

Australian parakeet lodging and cage

Australian parakeets cannot live in a fine cage, they must always feature a space where they can be mobile. The more parakeets you feature the more you should enhance the size of the cage. One example is that if you feature two you should feature a cage 60x60x40 cm so that they can fly freely.

Put a few newspapers to cover the tray, the best thing is that the feeder and drinker are made of ceramic, these are much more hygienic and accumulate fewer bacteria and fungi.

The place where you put the cage should be docile and illuminated but try to avoid direct sunshine as this can affect you a tiny. Clean the cage habitually using well-diluted bleach to remove bacteria.

You need to unite interesting elements to stimulate your parakeet mentally. You can use ropes, mirrors, wooden toys, and anything else that is not toxic or dangerous and offers the cage an interesting variation.

To keep your parakeet in good health for many years you must take care of the hygiene of the cage. Periodically you should do a deep cleaning with a disinfectant suitable for use on birds. Clean the base of the cage, the bars, and the perches. If you feature wooden perches, they should be replaced when they are very dirty or feature notches where bacteria can rise. Remove fresh food remains after two hours to avoid decomposition and wash food dishes thoroughly every day.

Spend at least ten minutes a day interacting with your parakeet; teach it not to be afraid of you and discuss it calmly. Use treats to help you gain their trust. You’ll soon come across that it starts to imitate you and will learn to babble patches words.

What are the Advantages of Budgies as Pets?

Advantages of Budgies as Pets
  1. The first one we are going to repeat because it is extremely important: they are very very friendly. What’s more: they need that socialization. They feel very comfortable exchanging with other parakeets or with humans.
  2. They’re too much fun. A healthy and complemented parakeet is a ensure of fun and laughter because they continually try to do something new with all we put within their reach.
  3. They feature long life, with an average of up to 15 years (some very well cared for feature reached over 17). If we watch over their food, health, and basic care, we will feature a company for a good time.
  4. They are remarkably intelligent. It is very simple to train them and teach them tricks, which they will constantly repeat every time someone is approximately, sometimes with a few variations, just to impress.
  5. They are simple to feed. Although they spend much more if they feature a varied diet, they can be happy with canary seed, corn, carrots, a few fruits and also vegetables (they don’t need all this to be well, but they won’t be bored with the same food). They also love simple things for instance wet bread or cooked rice.

Most Notable Disadvantages

  1. The dominant disadvantage may be the care and attention they need, which, during the not too much, can affect their health or mood if we neglect them. They need a cage cleaning, or at least the bottom of it, at least once a week. They can get sick if this is not done.
  2. They are noisy birds, constantly screaming and communicating with each other at all times of the day. If what we want is silence, they are not the ones who are going to supply it to us.
  3. They need spacious cages at least 50 centimeters high, wide and deep to practice their swings. They tolerate shorter cages, but their activity will be diminished and limited by the lack of space, in addition to the risk of their wings atrophying.
  4. If we supply them fruit as food, it should be removed at the end of the day and never put in the next day: the original process of fermentation that occurs in fruits can make them sick.
  5. They should not receive direct sunlight for a long time, nor should they be located in spaces with cold air currents.

Some Useful TIPS

Australian Parakeet TIPS

It’s not a good idea to feature alone parakeet. They are not beings that spend loneliness. Ideally, we should feature a partner of males and females, although two males can live together very well. On the contrary, it is not advisable to join two females, because they will constantly attack each other and can do too much damage to each other.

It is simple to identify the sexes after 3 months of age. Males feature a blue, dark pink, or purple foremost of their beaks, during the females invariably feature a white, brown, or grayish greatest, and sometimes a much lighter pink shade.

The juvenile the parakeets are at the time of adoption, the easier it will be to teach them tricks or get them used to interact with you or others. Once they’re grown up it will be a more difficult, though not impossible, task.

When adopting our parakeets, we must pay attention to a few details that help to identify their state of health:

  • The plumage around the anus should not be dirty or crusted.
  • Legs and claws must be clean.
  • The beak must not be cracked, and the nostrils must be clean.
  • Feathers Resided commonly smooth, with no feathery areas.
  • Must be agile and resistant when derived out of the cage.
  • Last but not least: you should choose a few toys and accessories to keep in their cage:
  • At least two animal hangers, with wooden support of different thickness. This is useful to practice and strengthen the muscles of claws and legs, in addition to providing a good grip. These perches should be changed when they are very deteriorated. Do not use plastic hangers or accessories (except for feeders and drinkers).
  • Some wooden toys that we will be changing so that they do not get bored. They entertain themselves a lot by pecking at them (and destroying them, really). You can also unite other accessories that can be interesting for instance a rope (with which they do amazing stunts) or fine mirrors, but taking over care not to steal too much living space.


If you feel ready for a fun adventure with very intelligent beings that will impress you at every moment, don’t hesitate: adopt your parakeets. It is a decision you will never regret (they will prove it themselves).

